Our VW Bus has been with us for 7 years now. We bought it when my daughter was born for the simple pleasure of having a VW Bus. Eventually, she became our pampered one, but we never had the money to fix the coach and the chassis. They were very damaged. But we love it very much.
We transported all the materials that today form our home: woods, veneers, cement, bathrooms, electricity, and much more. Also, we used it for many household relocations for us and for others. We even used it to take our children and their classmates to school for a year.
When things got ugly in Argentina we decided to put her together to take off and travel. During the trip, we added many things that were necessary that we could live as comfortably as possible since we are 4 people. We have fixed it several times and we will go ahead despite the breakdowns, which are part of this traveling life!