Hey I'm Jsa

Since I’ve always been a travel addict, it was obvious that I should study tourism. After my studies, I dreamed of owning a VW Bus. I wanted to feel free and independent and travel wherever I wanted to go. To experience and enjoy nature.

Even after 10 years with my VW Bus I still enjoy every day, like the first one, and don’t want to miss this feeling anymore. It is like a drug. Traveling and especially traveling with my VW Bus has taught me so many things about life, which I carry with me each and every day. Home is where you park it!

My life mission is...

For me, there is no greater feeling of freedom, than hitting the road with the wind in my hair, driving freely wherever I want to go. Road trips are the best way to soak up nature, detach from everyday life and simply live. Traveling offers you exposure to nature, cultures, and lifestyles you wouldn’t normally encounter.

My best Buslife advice

Since I love warm weather and beaches my favorite destinations were Corsica and Sardinia.

The biggest advantage for me is the freedom to decide where I want to go and that I have my tiny house on wheels always with me.

The biggest challenge is to accept that sometimes everything goes a bit slower and doesn't always work out the way you want it to, for example when the bus doesn't start. Fortunately, this has only happened twice to me so far.

What I like the most about my VW Bus are the retro stripes and the awning. Another thing that I like is that everything is available in a small space and you realize that you actually need very little to live and be happy.

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