I am 19 years old and I travel across Europe with Fillmore, my 75 years old VW Bus! I had this project to travel with a T2 Bus since I was 14 years old. Since then, I saved a lot of money to make my dream come true. I already traveled across 19 countries in the seven last months. I like the off-road style. When I was 14 years old my dream was to have a VW T2 Syncro. I quickly realized that it wouldn’t be possible. That’s why I am trying to make my bus in a nice off-road style.
Hey I'm Tonio

My life mission is...
To make my dreams come true! Maybe it looks a bit childish, but for my 14 years old self, I really wanted to travel with an old school VW Bus and here I am! now I’m preparing the next project in between my adventures so stay tuned.
My best Buslife advice
Parts are everywhere that's one of the reasons I chose an old VW Bus. You find the parts all over the world thanks to this amazing community!
Turkey with the bus was awesome! You need to go!
I never know who I will meet tomorrow or where I will sleep tonight!
The awesome community it has brought me! I had some problems with my engine in Sweden a few months ago. I posted a message in a VW group on Facebook and 2 days later the problem was totally resolved, plus I meet amazing people who I am still in contact with today.