How to Reduce Your Waste on the Road

For those of us who love adventure, living on the road in a VW Bus is an opportunity. It’s a chance to escape the humdrum of everyday life. However, this doesn’t make us exempt from living a more sustainable lifestyle. A big part of the Buslife dream is feeling closer to nature. However, with that, there is a responsibility when it comes to how to reduce your waste on the road. Today 99% of everything we purchase is disposed of within six months, and over two billion tons of waste is produced worldwide every year.

With this shocking statistic in mind, it emphasizes that individually, we are tiny cogs in the wheel. However, imagine the significant difference Buslifers could make if we all strive towards living a low-waste life on the road.

Here are our four simple steps for how to reduce your waste on the road.

No to single-use

Avoiding single-use items is a pretty self-explanatory waste reduction tip. However, when we start to incorporate reusable products in our lives, it doesn’t take long to discover how much of what we use is disposable.

Carrier bags are an obvious example. Most of us are guilty of having reached for one whilst picking up essentials at the store. However, did you know that the inventor of the plastic carrier bag never intended for them to be single-use? It’s sad to think of plastic bags clogging up our planet, especially when it’s so simple to stop their invasion. A foldable shopping bag is ideal for keeping onboard your VW Bus, as are mesh produce bags for trips to a local market.

Other single-use culprits that you will be familiar with include, plastic dinnerware, and straws. As well as cotton buds, face masks, takeaway coffee cups, and sanitary products. The good news is that there are plenty of reusable alternatives available on the market, including these VW Bus enamel mugs that we love!

If you’re looking at ways to incorporate reusable products into your everyday Buslife, you will also want to check out our article on how to stay hygienic on the road.

Recycle and repurpose

When you become a Buslifer, one thing you quickly discover is how to make do and mend.

Recycling your waste is your quickest and easiest place to get started and you could even consider composting your food waste with this compact folding food waste bin. Disposing of your recycling may require some prior planning, but most campsites do offer disposal facilities.

Repurposing is another excellent way to ensure everything you purchase enjoys a second life. Storage is always a talking point for Buslifers, so why not try turning an old shampoo bottle into a phone charger holder. You can also repurpose old clothes that would otherwise end up in the bin when you turn them into cleaning rags.

Avoid packaging

If you’re striving to enjoy a low-waste life on the road, then like us, unnecessary packaging is going to make your blood boil.

Buying produce without packaging won’t always be possible, depending on where you travel to. However, choosing products that aren’t wrapped in plastic and switching to those that are zero-impact, such as Friendly Soap can help us make a big difference in the long run.

Whilst on the road, look out for local farmers’ markets. Eco stores that offer unpackaged food and larger stores that stock fresh loose produce are great too. Don’t forget to take the reusable shopping bags we mentioned earlier!

Make and grow

We know space is tight as a Buslifer. But, there are some easy ways to cut down on your waste by making and growing produce onboard your VW Bus.

Health and beauty products are an ideal place to start with many of the ingredients being store cupboard staples and easily attainable. If you’re also an avid forager, why not try some of the simple recipes in this bestseller, The Hedgerow Apothecary, that will help you blend your own plant-based natural remedies wherever you’re staying.

A vegetable garden is out of the question as a Buslifer, but fresh produce with zero food miles is possible! Keep it small by growing your own selection of herbs and micro veg on the road. You can also put supermarket food cartons through their paces when you reuse them as growing containers.

Are you feeling fired up for a fight against the enormous environmental impact waste has? The first step as a Buslifer is to commit to reducing your waste on the road. There is no doubt that it takes time to implement a sustainable routine, but by instilling habits that are kinder to the planet, the more positive our impact.

What other tips to you have to reduce your waste on the road? Let us know in the comments below!

Want to learn more about making Buslife more sustainable? Check out our article, Live a Sustainable Buslife.

Lorna Mann
Author: Lorna Mann

Passionate about nature and outdoors. Lorna is a contributor to the Buslifer community, writing on topics, including sustainability and ethical living.

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