Meet & connect with incredible Buslifers Ambassadors from across the globe
Photo by: Social Traveling
Buslifers Ambassadors are an adventurous group of authentic global nomads and VW Bus aficionados from all over the world. Not only are their stories truly exceptional and exciting, but the years of Buslife knowledge they have collectively amassed is a fantastic resource for Buslifers, old and new.
As you explore their adventures, you will get to find out their story and a taste of the great advice they have to share. You’ll feel like you have made some new friends too. The crew is by far the most knowledgeable group of Buslifers out there, so don’t miss out on what they have to say!
Don’t forget to sign up to our community and connect with them personally. They are always open for meeting new friends on the road! If you have been a Buslifer for some time and have some experiences to share with the community, why not consider becoming a Buslifers Ambassador yourself?