Buslife off the Road: How our Buslife Ambassadors are Spending Quarantine

header image of VW Bus parked up during quarantine.

2020 has made some huge and unexpected changes to life and especially for Buslife. From canceled travel plans to having to quarantine. These long-term stays in unexpected places have a huge impact on those of us yearning to get out into the world and explore.

Used to the free-spiritedness of being able to pick up and move from one day to the next, quarantine has taught all of us about stillness and the value of bringing life down to a slower pace. Our days are now filled with daydreams of future routes, renovations to improve our VW Buses, and building community as we connect with fellow Buslifers.

Recently, we caught up with our Buslifers Ambassadors to find out how they’re spending the quarantine. We chatted about plans post-pandemic and gathered advice for those wanting to live their own VW Buslife.

Read on to find out what they had to say…

@vanlife_volver_a_lo_simple_ have taken to opportunity to strip their VW Bus out and renovate it. Photo by: @vanlife_volver_a_lo_simple_


How has your Buslife changed during the pandemic?

At first, it was difficult since we couldn’t find a safe place to park our little house on wheels. We were kicked out of parking spots by police on several occasions. They didn’t understand that the VW Bus is our home. 

Luckily, we got to the right place eventually and a neighbor allowed us to stay on a piece of their property in Costa Rica. The spot has access to various facilities and above all, has given us a calm and safe space to pass the quarantine…and it was by the sea! 

How are you bringing Buslife into your quarantine?

In our case, we’ve been able to continue to carry on with our life on the bus normally. Just without moving! It makes us very anxious to not be on the road, but we know that worldwide it’s a serious matter. We must remain safe in one place for the time being. 

Where are you now and how has it been living the Buslife during these times?

We’re currently in Costa Rica and our idea is to continue traveling when it’s possible. Leaving our trip was never an option, so we’re grateful to have some peace of mind knowing that the pandemic found us in a good place where everything is under control.

Do you have any plans for after the pandemic?

We want to go back to Panama for a few months and get to know Bocas del Toro and then resume our journey North to Alaska. 

Do you have any advice for other Buslifers out there?

Our advice for those who continue to wait for the ideal moment is: dare to travel. We hope this pandemic has been a wake-up call for people to realize that the ideal time is NOW. The future is unpredictable and there’s nothing worse than regretting something for having not done it. 


How has your Buslife changed during the pandemic?

We were lucky enough to be able to spend these last few months in our native town with our families. However, while the initial months were fairly easy to pass in lockdown (after all we’re already used to spending a lot of time together in a tight space), as summer arrived, it’s become more difficult to deal with the many travel restrictions. 

Where are you now and how has it been living the Buslife during these times?

We started traveling on and off as the lockdown lifted, usually choosing more remote locations where there weren’t many people. In the context of COVID-19, living and traveling with a bus has some big advantages as you don’t need to use accommodation and can find secluded places to stay where social distancing isn’t a problem. 

Do you have any plans for after the pandemic?

We have so many plans! However, it’s difficult to believe that there will ever be such a clear cut time as “after the pandemic.” The situation will clearly continue for the remainder of this year (and who knows, maybe next year too) so it’s important to adapt and learn to take care of ourselves and others. What we hope to be able to do soon, is travel more and be able to cross the borders. 

Do you have any advice for other Buslifers out there?

Stay safe is the most important advice we could give! Make sure to take all the necessary precautions, stay low if you have to, and use this time to work on your van and your plans. Just make the best of it!


How has your Buslife changed during the pandemic?

In Argentina, travel is totally stopped due to the strict quarantine. Right now there’s no possibility of being on the road and only authorized people like health, safety, and first-aid professionals are allowed to be driving. For now, we’re seeing the world from our window and making a thousand plans for future trips. 

How are you bringing Buslife into your quarantine?

We continue to interact a lot with the Buslife lifestyle on social networks and through documentaries on the internet. It’s a way of life that really interests us and we feel that Buslife is in our blood. 

Do you have any plans for after the pandemic?

As we mentioned before, we’ve stopped due to the quarantine, but have many plans and routes drawn for when it’s safe to travel again. It’s been hard living 24-hours away from home, as we’re concerned for our family and friends, but we’re rooting for the world to make a quick recovery with a definitive vaccine. We have hope to get back to Buslife soon!


How has your Buslife changed during the pandemic?

We were hoping to travel again with our new family member, but when the pandemic started, we decided to remodel the interior of our VW Bus instead. Currently, we’re not able to resume traveling just yet and have canceled our plans as COVID-19 continues to evolve in Latin America.

This little girl was supposed to be going on a Buslife adventure, but will have to wait until the pandemic is over. Photo by: @latinakombi

How are you bringing Buslife into your quarantine?

We’re living in an apartment, so there’s very little Buslife right now. However, we see a lot of photos and videos online and plan to see what we can do when all of this is over.

Do you have any plans for after the pandemic?

We want to travel again! We don’t know where yet, but we would really like to visit Eastern Europe and the United States. Before the pandemic, we didn’t have the chance to travel to Utah, Arizona, and other states with awesome national parks.

Do you have any advice for other Buslifers out there?

We’re going to have that freedom again that we enjoy so much. That feeling of being on the road and not knowing what can happen, who you will know, what place you will visit next, and where you will sleep. We’re all in the same place right now but everything will be solved soon! 

How has the pandemic changed your life? Have you been able to continue traveling? Let us know in the comments!

Author: admin


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